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to close

  • 1 אבטחה צמודה

    close-quarters protection

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אבטחה צמודה

  • 2 הטלת סגר

    close territories, impose closure

    Hebrew-English dictionary > הטלת סגר

  • 3 התקפת-מצח

    close combat, frontal attack

    Hebrew-English dictionary > התקפת-מצח

  • 4 חבר'ה

    close friends, bunch of friends

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חבר'ה

  • 5 חוגים מקורבים

    close circles

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חוגים מקורבים

  • 6 מעצר סגור

    close arrest, confinement

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מעצר סגור

  • 7 מעקב צמוד

    close surveillance, strict surveillance

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מעקב צמוד

  • 8 קפאפ

    close combat, hand-to-hand combat

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קפאפ

  • 9 קרב-מגע

    close combat

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קרב-מגע

  • 10 קרוב אל הצלחת

    close to the center of things

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קרוב אל הצלחת

  • 11 קרוב לאמת

    close to the truth

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קרוב לאמת

  • 12 קשר אמיץ

    close relationship, firm relations

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קשר אמיץ

  • 13 רב-קשב

    close attention

    Hebrew-English dictionary > רב-קשב

  • 14 שיתוף פעולה הדוק

    close cooperation

    Hebrew-English dictionary > שיתוף פעולה הדוק

  • 15 שכן קרוב

    close neighbor; next door neighbor

    Hebrew-English dictionary > שכן קרוב

  • 16 תרגיל מילוי


    Hebrew-English dictionary > תרגיל מילוי

  • 17 סמךְ

    סָמַךְ(b. h.) (to close, join, 1) to pack, make close, stamp. Shebi. III, 8 לא יִסְמוֹךְ בעפר one should not support the dam by packing earth upon it, v. סָבַךְ. Gen. R. s. 5 סְמָבָןוכ׳ he crowded them between (Lev. R. s. 10 שָׂמָן); a. e. 2) to support, stem. Midr. Till. to Ps. 136, עוג היה … וסוֹמְכוֹ Og broke a mountain loòse and threw it on the Israelites …, Moses took a pebble and mentioned the Holy Name over it and stemmed its fall; הידים שכך סוֹמְכוֹת the hands which thus stem (the mountain); Deut. R. s. 1, end; a. e. 3) to bring close, to join. Y.Sabb.III, 5d bot. אפי׳ לִסְמוֹךְ לו even to place a vessel close to it (to be warmed); Bab. ib. 38b. Y.Kil.II, 27d סוֹמְכִין עומריןוכ׳ you may put packed sheaves by the side of Kil. II, 7 לסמוך לווכ׳ to plant closely adjoining to it Ib. 8; a. fr.Esp. (sub. יד) a) to press hands on the head of a sacrifice (to indicate ownership). Men.IX, 8 הכל סוֹמְכִיןוכ׳ all persons are entitled to lay hands on their sacrifices, except Ḥag.II, 2 שלא לסמוך that the laying on of hands must not be done on the Holy Days. Ib. 3 ואין סומכין עליהם but hands must not be laid on them; a. fr.b) to lay hands on the head of a scholar, in gen. to ordain. Snh.14a the government decreed שכל הסומך יהרגוכ׳ that whosoever ordained a scholar should be put to death, and whosoever be ordained should be put to death, ועיר שסומכיןוכ׳ and the town wherein the ordination takes place Ib. וס׳ שם חמשהוכ׳ and he ordained there five elders. Ib. ר״מ לא סְמָכוֹר״ע that R. Akiba never ordained R. M.Ib. סומכין בארץ ונִסְמָכִיןוכ׳ if those ordaining stand on Palestinean ground, and those to be ordained outside of Palestine; a. fr. 4) to lean, to rely. Ber.9a, a. fr., v. כְּדָיי. Erub.65b נִסְמוֹךְ עלוכ׳ let us rely on the opinion of ; a. fr.Trnsf. a) to support; to find support for an opinion or a rule, (v. אַסְמַכְתָּא). Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. (ref. to Deut. 15:3) מיכן סָמְכוּ לפרוזבולוכ׳ here they found a support for the prosbol as a Biblical institution, expl. בשהתקין הלל סְמָכוּהוּוכ׳ when Hillel had instituted it, they supported it by reference to b) (with ענין) to bring under the same rule laws which are joined in the Biblical text. Yeb.4a (ref. to Ex. 22:17 a. 18) סמכו עניין לווכ׳ they brought the subject (verse 17) close to it (verse 18) (to intimate) as the punishment for the one is stoning, so is it for the other. Ib. וכי מפני שסמכווכ׳ can we put a person to death on an intimation suggested merely by the neighborhood of two subjects? (v. סְמוּכִים, infra).Part. pass. סָמוּךְ; f. סְמוּכָה; pl. סְמוּכִים, סְמוּכִין; סְמוּכוֹת a) near, close by. Meg.3b וכל הס׳ לו and all (the inhabited area) adjoining it. Men.98a, a. e. על בס׳ the preposition ʿal means immediately on. Sifré Num. 131 הרבה פרשיות ס׳וכ׳ many sections (in the Torah) adjoin one another, and yet are (mentally) as far from one another Sabb.I, 2 ס׳ למנחה near Minḥah time; a. v. fr.Esp. סְמוּכִין, סְמוּכִים the interpretation founded on the fact of local junction of texts (v. supra). Yeb. l. c. ס׳ מן התורה מנין where is it intimated that Biblical texts are to be interpreted on the basis of proximity? Answ. (ref. to Ps. 111:8): they are arranged Ib. מאן דלא דריש ס׳ he who does not adopt the interpretation based on textual proximity. Ber.10a; a. fr.b) strong, hardened. Num. R. s. 9 לבה ס׳ עליהם her heart is hardened towards them (and their presence will prevent her from confessing her guilt); cmp. גּוּס I. Nif. נִסְמַךְ 1) to be adjoined. Ber. l. c. למה נִסְמְכָהוכ׳ why has the section referring to Absalom (Ps. 3) been joined to that relating to Gog and Magog (Ps. 2)? Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 20 ונ׳ להרוכ׳ and is close to the mountain opposite. M. Kat. 28a; a. fr. 2) to be ordained. Snh. l. c., v. supra. Yoma 87a שראויין לִיסָּמֵךְ who are worthy to be ordained; a. fr. Pi. סִימֵּךְ to support, prop. Y.Maasr.II, 50a top המְסַמֵּךְ בגפנים he who props vines. Yalk. Ex. 244 עוזר ומסמך אתהוכ׳ thou art a helper and supporter to all ; a. e.Part. pass. מְסוּמָּךְ, pl. מְסוּמָּכִין. Kel. II, 2 יושבין שלא מ׳ (vessels or fragments of vessels) resting without the need of a support. Hif. הִסְמִיךְ to pack, tread. Y. Maasr. l. c. ברגליו מַסְמִיךְ working with his feet is he who packs (sheaves ; Y.B. Mets.VII, beg.11b מקמץ). Hithpa. הִסְתַּמֵּךְ, Nithpa. נִסְתַּמֵּךְ to lean ones self. Gen. R. s. 45, end היתה מִסְתַּמֶּכֶת עלוכ׳ was leaning on her hand-maid. Sifré Num. 131 והיה מִסְתַּמֵּךְוכ׳ and he went off leaning on his stick; a. e.

    Jewish literature > סמךְ

  • 18 סָמַךְ

    סָמַךְ(b. h.) (to close, join, 1) to pack, make close, stamp. Shebi. III, 8 לא יִסְמוֹךְ בעפר one should not support the dam by packing earth upon it, v. סָבַךְ. Gen. R. s. 5 סְמָבָןוכ׳ he crowded them between (Lev. R. s. 10 שָׂמָן); a. e. 2) to support, stem. Midr. Till. to Ps. 136, עוג היה … וסוֹמְכוֹ Og broke a mountain loòse and threw it on the Israelites …, Moses took a pebble and mentioned the Holy Name over it and stemmed its fall; הידים שכך סוֹמְכוֹת the hands which thus stem (the mountain); Deut. R. s. 1, end; a. e. 3) to bring close, to join. Y.Sabb.III, 5d bot. אפי׳ לִסְמוֹךְ לו even to place a vessel close to it (to be warmed); Bab. ib. 38b. Y.Kil.II, 27d סוֹמְכִין עומריןוכ׳ you may put packed sheaves by the side of Kil. II, 7 לסמוך לווכ׳ to plant closely adjoining to it Ib. 8; a. fr.Esp. (sub. יד) a) to press hands on the head of a sacrifice (to indicate ownership). Men.IX, 8 הכל סוֹמְכִיןוכ׳ all persons are entitled to lay hands on their sacrifices, except Ḥag.II, 2 שלא לסמוך that the laying on of hands must not be done on the Holy Days. Ib. 3 ואין סומכין עליהם but hands must not be laid on them; a. fr.b) to lay hands on the head of a scholar, in gen. to ordain. Snh.14a the government decreed שכל הסומך יהרגוכ׳ that whosoever ordained a scholar should be put to death, and whosoever be ordained should be put to death, ועיר שסומכיןוכ׳ and the town wherein the ordination takes place Ib. וס׳ שם חמשהוכ׳ and he ordained there five elders. Ib. ר״מ לא סְמָכוֹר״ע that R. Akiba never ordained R. M.Ib. סומכין בארץ ונִסְמָכִיןוכ׳ if those ordaining stand on Palestinean ground, and those to be ordained outside of Palestine; a. fr. 4) to lean, to rely. Ber.9a, a. fr., v. כְּדָיי. Erub.65b נִסְמוֹךְ עלוכ׳ let us rely on the opinion of ; a. fr.Trnsf. a) to support; to find support for an opinion or a rule, (v. אַסְמַכְתָּא). Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. (ref. to Deut. 15:3) מיכן סָמְכוּ לפרוזבולוכ׳ here they found a support for the prosbol as a Biblical institution, expl. בשהתקין הלל סְמָכוּהוּוכ׳ when Hillel had instituted it, they supported it by reference to b) (with ענין) to bring under the same rule laws which are joined in the Biblical text. Yeb.4a (ref. to Ex. 22:17 a. 18) סמכו עניין לווכ׳ they brought the subject (verse 17) close to it (verse 18) (to intimate) as the punishment for the one is stoning, so is it for the other. Ib. וכי מפני שסמכווכ׳ can we put a person to death on an intimation suggested merely by the neighborhood of two subjects? (v. סְמוּכִים, infra).Part. pass. סָמוּךְ; f. סְמוּכָה; pl. סְמוּכִים, סְמוּכִין; סְמוּכוֹת a) near, close by. Meg.3b וכל הס׳ לו and all (the inhabited area) adjoining it. Men.98a, a. e. על בס׳ the preposition ʿal means immediately on. Sifré Num. 131 הרבה פרשיות ס׳וכ׳ many sections (in the Torah) adjoin one another, and yet are (mentally) as far from one another Sabb.I, 2 ס׳ למנחה near Minḥah time; a. v. fr.Esp. סְמוּכִין, סְמוּכִים the interpretation founded on the fact of local junction of texts (v. supra). Yeb. l. c. ס׳ מן התורה מנין where is it intimated that Biblical texts are to be interpreted on the basis of proximity? Answ. (ref. to Ps. 111:8): they are arranged Ib. מאן דלא דריש ס׳ he who does not adopt the interpretation based on textual proximity. Ber.10a; a. fr.b) strong, hardened. Num. R. s. 9 לבה ס׳ עליהם her heart is hardened towards them (and their presence will prevent her from confessing her guilt); cmp. גּוּס I. Nif. נִסְמַךְ 1) to be adjoined. Ber. l. c. למה נִסְמְכָהוכ׳ why has the section referring to Absalom (Ps. 3) been joined to that relating to Gog and Magog (Ps. 2)? Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 20 ונ׳ להרוכ׳ and is close to the mountain opposite. M. Kat. 28a; a. fr. 2) to be ordained. Snh. l. c., v. supra. Yoma 87a שראויין לִיסָּמֵךְ who are worthy to be ordained; a. fr. Pi. סִימֵּךְ to support, prop. Y.Maasr.II, 50a top המְסַמֵּךְ בגפנים he who props vines. Yalk. Ex. 244 עוזר ומסמך אתהוכ׳ thou art a helper and supporter to all ; a. e.Part. pass. מְסוּמָּךְ, pl. מְסוּמָּכִין. Kel. II, 2 יושבין שלא מ׳ (vessels or fragments of vessels) resting without the need of a support. Hif. הִסְמִיךְ to pack, tread. Y. Maasr. l. c. ברגליו מַסְמִיךְ working with his feet is he who packs (sheaves ; Y.B. Mets.VII, beg.11b מקמץ). Hithpa. הִסְתַּמֵּךְ, Nithpa. נִסְתַּמֵּךְ to lean ones self. Gen. R. s. 45, end היתה מִסְתַּמֶּכֶת עלוכ׳ was leaning on her hand-maid. Sifré Num. 131 והיה מִסְתַּמֵּךְוכ׳ and he went off leaning on his stick; a. e.

    Jewish literature > סָמַךְ

  • 19 חתם

    חָתַם(b. h.; cmp. b. h. חָתַל) 1), to tie up, close, lock. Tanḥ. Bresh. 1 ח׳את היםוכ׳ he locked the Ocean up, that it might not go forth 2) to seal. Y.Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot. טבעת שחוֹתֵם בה the ring with which he seals. Ib. אסור לַחְתּוֹם בה you dare not use it for a seal; Tosef. ib. V (VI), 2; a. fr. 2) to sign, subscribe (as witness, judge) Gitt.VI, 7 אחד … חוֹתְמִין one writes the document and two sign it as witnesses. Ib. 66b ח׳ סופר if the scribe signed as one of the witnesses. Ib. 67a ואתם חֲתוֹמוּ and sign you. Shebi. X, 4 הדיינים חותמיןוכ׳ the judges sign under it; a. fr.Part. pass, חָתוּם, f. חֲתוּמָה; pl. חֲתוּמִים, חֲתוּמִין; חֲתוּמוֹת. Yeb.25b, a. e. עדים הח׳וכ׳ if witnesses are signed ; a. fr. 3) to close a benediction (v. חֲתִימָה). Pes.X, 6 וחותם בגאולה and he closes with redemption (Blessed be the Lord who redeemed Israel). Ib. לא היה חותם he did not close with a benediction. Ber.I, 4 מקום שאמרו לַחְתּוֹם where the Rabbis ordained to close a benediction with Barukh ; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Gitt.60a תורה ח׳ ניתנה the Law was given as one complete book, opp. מגילה מגילה in single sheets. (Cant. R. to I, 11, v. next w. Pi. חִיתֵּם to provide with signatures. Y.Gitt.I, beg.43a, a. e. מְחַתְּמוֹ בעדיםוכ׳ he may have provided it with the signatures of unfit witnesses. Ib. חִתְּמוֹוכ׳.Part. pass. מְחוּתָּם. Y.Keth.II, 26c; Y.Shebu.IV, 35c מח׳ בארבעוכ׳ provided with four signatures. Nif. נֶחְתַּם, Hithpa. הִתְחַתֵּם, Nithpa. נִתְחַתֵּם 1) to be signed, sealed. Gitt.I, 1 בפני נח׳ (Y. ed. נתח׳) in my presence has it been signed; a. fr. 2) to be finally sentenced (by attaching the seal or signature). R. Hash. 16b נכתבין ונֶחְתָּמִיןוכ׳ their verdict is written and sealed at once; Y. ib. I, 57a מִתְחַתְּמִין. Gen. R. s. 31, beg. נתח׳ גזר דינם their decree was sealed; a. e.

    Jewish literature > חתם

  • 20 חָתַם

    חָתַם(b. h.; cmp. b. h. חָתַל) 1), to tie up, close, lock. Tanḥ. Bresh. 1 ח׳את היםוכ׳ he locked the Ocean up, that it might not go forth 2) to seal. Y.Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot. טבעת שחוֹתֵם בה the ring with which he seals. Ib. אסור לַחְתּוֹם בה you dare not use it for a seal; Tosef. ib. V (VI), 2; a. fr. 2) to sign, subscribe (as witness, judge) Gitt.VI, 7 אחד … חוֹתְמִין one writes the document and two sign it as witnesses. Ib. 66b ח׳ סופר if the scribe signed as one of the witnesses. Ib. 67a ואתם חֲתוֹמוּ and sign you. Shebi. X, 4 הדיינים חותמיןוכ׳ the judges sign under it; a. fr.Part. pass, חָתוּם, f. חֲתוּמָה; pl. חֲתוּמִים, חֲתוּמִין; חֲתוּמוֹת. Yeb.25b, a. e. עדים הח׳וכ׳ if witnesses are signed ; a. fr. 3) to close a benediction (v. חֲתִימָה). Pes.X, 6 וחותם בגאולה and he closes with redemption (Blessed be the Lord who redeemed Israel). Ib. לא היה חותם he did not close with a benediction. Ber.I, 4 מקום שאמרו לַחְתּוֹם where the Rabbis ordained to close a benediction with Barukh ; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Gitt.60a תורה ח׳ ניתנה the Law was given as one complete book, opp. מגילה מגילה in single sheets. (Cant. R. to I, 11, v. next w. Pi. חִיתֵּם to provide with signatures. Y.Gitt.I, beg.43a, a. e. מְחַתְּמוֹ בעדיםוכ׳ he may have provided it with the signatures of unfit witnesses. Ib. חִתְּמוֹוכ׳.Part. pass. מְחוּתָּם. Y.Keth.II, 26c; Y.Shebu.IV, 35c מח׳ בארבעוכ׳ provided with four signatures. Nif. נֶחְתַּם, Hithpa. הִתְחַתֵּם, Nithpa. נִתְחַתֵּם 1) to be signed, sealed. Gitt.I, 1 בפני נח׳ (Y. ed. נתח׳) in my presence has it been signed; a. fr. 2) to be finally sentenced (by attaching the seal or signature). R. Hash. 16b נכתבין ונֶחְתָּמִיןוכ׳ their verdict is written and sealed at once; Y. ib. I, 57a מִתְחַתְּמִין. Gen. R. s. 31, beg. נתח׳ גזר דינם their decree was sealed; a. e.

    Jewish literature > חָתַם

См. также в других словарях:

  • close — vb 1 Close, shut are very close synonyms in the sense of to stop or fill in an opening by means of a closure (as a door, a gate, a lid, or a cover) and are often used interchangeably. However, they may have distinctive nuances of meaning and… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Close — (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close borough — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close breeding — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close communion — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close corporation — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close fertilization — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close harmony — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close time — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close to the wind — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Close vowel — Close Close (kl[=o]s), a. [Compar. {Closer} (kl[=o] s[ e]r); superl. {Closest}.] [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See {Close}, v. t.] 1. Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box. [1913 Webster] From a close bower this dainty music flowed. Dryden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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